Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Some Wedding Dinner

Went back to Ipoh for some relative's wedding dinner. Extremely boring since my favourite relative family wasn't invited and I was stuck with the most boring ceremony ever. I can never keep track of how many relatives I have; I seem to see more every year. Ooh, and my all-time favourite uncle was there (I don't know what to call him. He's actually the son of my father's aunt. Ah who cares! I just call them uncle and aunt.) He and his brother kept trying to get my mother drunk until my mother 'escaped' by hiding her glass and shot off to join a table with non-drinking relatives. He was so busy being the family photographer that he didn't get to eat much of the food. In the end, he sat down next to me and used the other end of my chopstick to grab a bite or two. And jeez! Can't he ever take a joke? Do I look like the type of person who has her handphone under the table and 999 on speed dial? I swear everyone is psycho, including me. Goodness knows what's wrong with the brains of my family.

p.s. Hey! Don't take this post seriously! Anyone who reads my blog can tell I tend to blab and talk nonsense.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Special year

24th December 2009 is a memorable date for us. PMR results came out and every single Form 3 was excited. 7As, you are finally in my grasp! It is going to be a very merry Christmas for me!

News sure travel fast. In one hour, all my relatives from KL to Perak already knew about my results. Shocked me really, the way mouths work in my family.

Esther Tang Jia Wen, you'd better bring good news to me or else... :P Hopefully I'll get to see you when school starts in 1 week.

What more can I say, straight As, taking the course I wanted to take, an old friend coming-maybe-and a no budget shopping spree, this year's Christmas will definately be a special one indeed. And I don't give a damn about what that self-centered brat gets. She can get all the As in the world but she'll ALWAYS be the same emotionless brat who lives in an expensive house with mounds of gold and gets EVERYTHING she wants.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Home again

I am back from Pangkor! Yay, finally home with my precious laptop. Pangkor turned out to be more fun than I imagined.

The first day I didn't do much since we arrived at Pangkor late in the afternoon. We did go to the beach and play in the water but that's just about it. Then later that night the adults went over to one of the apartments in the hotel to drink and play cards while me, my sister, Pui Ee and Pui Yan went to my room for a girls' night. We talked and watched tv.

We spent the morning of the second day going on a boat trip and snorkeling. I sliped and fell into the water and got hurt. I even pushed Ah Ting down with me. Not much to see under the water cause the water isn't clear enough. Then I spent the afternoon with Pui Yan and her sister, Pui Yee in their room playing cards and listening to music. Then we went to town-if you can call that a town-to shop for sea products. We also went for a banana boat ride. We didn't let go of our hands on the first round so we got a free round. Then we really fell into the water and I nearly got 'killed' by Pui Yan and Pui Yee. Most of the night was spent with another girls' night-with two more girls- with cards. Later that night, we went to KTV with the adults and stayed until midnight.

Last day, we went cycling around the island. I couldn't go far and we had to stop halfway. We didn't have any water with us but luckily, there was a man selling ice-cream. Saved by ice-cream! Then we have to say bye-bye and some of us went to Kuala Selangor for seafood.

The adults were crazy. They played games like beach ball with the rest of us. They can really play! I don't know about them, but I am exhausted! I think I am gonna crash.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Great. Brilliant. Some of my friends are doing part-time jobs during the holidays. I am 'working' as well, as a 'part-time worker' for a 'sweatshop' my mother works in. Isn't this fabulous? NOT! I don't even understand WHY my mother accepted the job in the first place. UMBRELLAS??? DESK CALENDER PACKING??? Goodness, this job is ridiculous. Plus I don't even get paid for that. I mean sure, the earnings go to my mother and she gives me my pocket money. Oh and I practically have to starve myself since my mother is too busy to fix lunch. Wonderful.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Home at last. After 4 days of being stuck in Bali, I'm so glad I'm back. To tell the truth, I didn't particulary enjoy this trip. First I have to be stuck in a dumb plane for 4 hours because we only found out about the delay AFTER everybody boarded the plane. And then our so called 3 star accomodation turned out to be like negative 3 star. We had to switch hotels because nobody wanted to stay in the hotel. Then a walk on the street with shops that are extremely dusty and that set my nose off. Then the prices of the stuff are sky high and I ended up not buying anything that day.

I did remember to buy stuff for my friends of course. I'll give it to you girls when I see you. Uhm...okay I did forget someone but it's not my friends. I forgot to include my cousins. So my cousins won't get pretty stuff like my friends do but it's not really bad.

I met an Australian tour guide who was on holiday. She didn't like Bali and can't say I blame her. She told me she wanted to go home the first day she arrived at Bali, just like I did. She gave us some tips on how to avoid being mobbed by people who sell stuff on the streets.

Kuta beach sucks. The beach is filthy and we can't swim there. Nusa Dua beach is pretty. I went jet skiing and I got to drive a jet ski! WOOHOOO! My dad was sitting behind me and he kept shouting in my ear "SLOW DOWN!" cause I gunned the motor and went speeding across the sea. Wakakakaka. I loved the speed. It was fabulous. My sister won't go on it. She went shell collecting. That was the only thing I liked about my trip. That and kite shopping. Oh, and I suppose talking to someone else from other countries as well.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Busy Hols

Tomorrow I'll be going to Bali after months of waiting. My whole holiday is packed with activities. I can't believe I dont really have much time left for doing whatever I wish this holiday. I'll be in Bali from tomorrow till the 25th. Then I'll probably be off to Thailand on the 27th till the 28th. Then comes the movie session with Esther on the 1st. Then Pangkor trip on the 11th till the 13th. Then a gathering on the 22nd. Then there probably will be another Christmas party held by my mother's childhood friend, whose kids are my childhood friends. Then a dinner on the 27th, so I'll be gone from 26th till 28th. Then results come out and ba-da-bing comes the year 2010. School starts. In between all this, there could still be some other activities such as British Council year end term and Vero's little party. OH WHAT A BUSY HOLIDAY!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

SPM Student

so in year 2010, I'll officially be an advanced student in British Council. Finally, I will be a SPM student...but what about IELTS? I wanna take it!

Can you believe my luck when I found out that out of my usual group, only ME and Valerie got into SPM class?? Valerie will be form 5 next year anyway. The others are going to some class I've never heard before. YA-UI. Lucky Jia Yi is going to SPM class with me or I'll be lonesome...

I hope I get a certificate this year. I have to talk to Tom and ask if I can get the report and certificate-if got-earlier since I won't be in KL for the final lesson of the year. Sad, cannot be with those wacky gals... :( Can I not go to Pangkor? Since I don't want to meet those two damn 'beaches'. Plus I've already been there once and I DIDN'T LIKE IT THERE.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Continuation of the Notable Mentions

My beloved friends outside of SBU:

Christie- Gosh, don't even know where to begin...hmm...your suddenly serious and suddenly insane ways, I suppose. Lifts my spirits up every week.
Tiffany Tee- Logical and also quite wacky. It's fun talking to you.
Hui Yan- Laughther in a human form. I feel great after I see your bright sunny smile.
Rui Jing- My first ever close friend in British Council. Lots of thanks.
Esther- For being 1 of the few primary school mates who still contacts me.
Valerie- For being nice to everyone.

A Goodbye That I Have To Say

Sayonara, Anis. I'll miss you and so will everyone who knew you. Don't forget us, your beloved friends in SBU. The next time you come back to KL, remember to give us a call and don't forget to see us! Call us if you feel lonely and feel free to talk to us about anything you like. It is a pleasure to know you and be brilliant friends with you as well. Love Ya, Miss Ya!

Notable Mentions

Some notable mentions here in my life:

Aleya Abdul Aziz- for being such a brilliant monitor, leader and friend. You are a fab friend!
Nur Nasuha- for being a great pal who listens to my worries.
Chew Vy Vyan- for contributing to the class fun we had this year.
Shakthy- for reading my work, commenting on them and being a dependable friend.
Adeeba- for encouraging me to break through the indecisive zone.
Najwa- for being a great company no matter when.
Ng Wen Yi- for being who you are.
Skye- for being helpful whenever I asked.
Natalie- for helping me continue having a chance in speaking Mandarin.
Veronica- for relieving my stress and making me laugh.
E Xuan- for being loyal and just plain being you.
Celia- for...well, being yourself. The girl who dislikes sweet stuff and loves action anime/movies and reading manga.
Li Ann- for hearing me out when I needed to rant.
Sarah- for being a dependable friend.
Peh See- for being wacky and loud and loyal.
Jia Yi- my British Council friend.


For those I didn't mention, don't worry. You lot are still important in my life. It's the same for all of you. It's just that if I mention everyone, I would be blogging till tomorrow morning.

Last day of Form 3; Last day of 3B 2009

Goodbye to Form 3! I LOVE YA ALL, 3 BERDIKARIANS!!!!! Vero, Li Ann, E Xuan, Celia, Sarah, Asther, Anis, Madiha and Peh See, I love you guys too! All of you contributed in making my Form 3 year happy and fun. I will be counting on you lot in making my remaining school years interesting and fun as well.

I didn't realize that my Geo group had won in the competition. I am so happy and surprised. Taman Sains got 2 hampers!!! We split up the snacks and the whole Bilik Pameran turned into a Picnic Haven.

Celia said she was glad that school ended because she don't have to see the teachers' faces anymore. But I pity the librarians since they have to go to school just for stock-checking. Poor Vero, Shakthy, Jia Yi, Jasmine and other Form 3 librarians...

3 Berdikari of 2009 has officially disbanded. Next year, we'll all be split into different classes depending on our results and choice of subjects. I sure will miss the all-girls class fun we had this year.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Nov 2009, Thursday

School holidays for us Form 3 is starting next week. Oh HELLO FREEDOM! Tomorrow, I will be helping teacher carry hampers. -.- Silly job right? But since the teacher asked, we can't exactly say no.

Today, I found out that Peh See and Skye enjoy singing Love Story by Taylor Swift. They started singing when me, Wen Yi and the two of them were playing UNO. Turns out Wen Yi has a Love Story phobia because of that. Even I got a leetle bit phobic after 2 hours of continuous Love Story. Especially the part:

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me Juliet you never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

OMG, just that part drives me crazy. They can't stop singing it. And for some reason, Wen Yi kept winning when they sing it! Then Peh See started to sing-sort of-You Belong With Me by the same singer. Then she claimed that Skye belongs with her. o.o

We kept playing from 9 am to 1 pm. Sitting in the Bilik Pameran with the air-cond on. Plus, we were also directly under a fan. Brrr. Freezing. Then Peh See had 'bladder problems' and had to keep going to the washroom. Actually, the point was to ponteng the Win, Lose or Draw game by Cik Sri Devi cause the teacher just hosted the game and talked and talked and talked. I only went once with Wen Yi, but that was after the game session and I really needed to go.

We went home at 1.10 pm. But then pumpkin stoped me and Wen Yi and Skye as well as some other students. Her alasan was that we sering ponteng. Which I am totally innocent because my attendance record was almost flawless! Then turns out that pumpkin just needed some students to clean up the Bilik Pameran! Which was totally pointless since it was spotless... class has a very nice attendance. No sarcasm. Seriously, we had more than half of the class coming everyday! We practically won the other classes except the Solihin class. That class has nearly full attendance EVERYDAY. Really rajin, those lot.

Vero and the gang. You better come tomorrow. It's the last day of school and I want to see you guys. I get to see Anis and Sarah a lot since they are so hardworking-nope. No sarcasm there-and I practically attend almost everyday. Ah well, I'm turning really blabby right now. Gotta stop ASAP.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Form 3 to Form 4

Form 3 is coming to an end. For some reason, I feel sort of down about this. To think that we'll be a year older and might be forced to face some decisions that might be hard to make. Time sure flies, doesn't it?

Some of my friends will be transfering and I won't get to see them anymore. It would be different if they are staying in KL, but all of them are going to be outstation. I hate to say goodbye to my friends, the same thing I did when I was forced to leave my childhood days behind me. I do hope we'll all stay in touch.

Esther Tang, since quite a number of students will be transfering, I guess your chances of getting admitted will be higher, won't it? Now that's something to look forward to. I could be saying adieu to some, but at the same time, I could be saying hello again to a wonderful friend of mine.

Form 4 might be hard, but if I have my group of fun-loving and wacky friends, I think I can endure the pressure of studying. After all, friends stay by each other's side, no matter what happens and no matter when as well. Even if someone needs someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, friends are always the best choice to share your feelings with ( though I don't think anger and fury counts).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

KL Tower Trip

Today, i went to KL Tower! And ended up as mosquito feed. I actually got bitten by 15. I am so wiped out now.

Aiya, Vero, why so stressed? Your skin is 'coming off'.

Cheese! Vero and Anis

Vero and me.

Vero, me and Anis.

At the outside of the tower

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday postie

today Ah Xuan lepas my aeroplane again. Lucky still got Vero, Li Ann, Celia and Shakthy. But those homo sapiens really malas ah, don't wanna do anything, so end up doing gotong-royong while I sit in the makmal komputer and just shake my feet. HAHAHA. But I kena abandoned again, this time by Jia Yi. Leave me alone again, so bad.:(

Hectic day

Okay, so I did survive the exam. Weirdly enough, it turned out quite well. And Ah E Xuan, how dare you skip today?? Everybody just abandoned me, leaving me the poor friend-trusting girl all alone. :(
Today we have to redesign the Taman Sains. We were supposed to come out with a drawing each about our plans for it. I am no artist, plus I was totally clueless, so I have no idea what to draw. I just crap some crap up for it. Jia Yi draw so fast, we were all like 'huh? so fast?'. Alyea has beautiful handwriting, I just envy her, it's so neat and tidy.
Tomorrow have to do the Taman Sains again, so tomorrow I will be separated from my friends once more since that lot are like malas gila and don't want to do anything.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Freaking Out

Oh no, Seni exam! I am so dead. This is my worst subject ever! I don't have that kind of spirit within me, which means that I always just barely get through with my father's help. Oh crap! 3 hours of Seni, how am I supposed to survive???

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Understandings and not

My mum and uncle + aunt are extremely understanding. They are quite understanding since I talked to them about things. The only bull is my dad. Stubborn, conservative, fierce and demanding person he is. I don't even dare talk to him about this. Scared about my death sentence if he finds out. Eeek!

High Schooler or Elementary Schooler?

I am a high school girl who lives a elementary school girl's life. My family is so damn conservative, I don't even have a life. All my friends get to go out and hang out with their friends, shop and visit one another but I don't get to. This life sucks. I lost my friends because of that. They don't ask me to go out with them anymore because they know that I can never say yes. They know and I feel like I am drifting apart from them, it's like I am a caged bird. I get that they are trying to protect me but I think that they are somehow taking this too far. They didn't realise that they are actually ruining my teenager life. Because of this, I lost contact with nearly all my primary school friends and I never even got to see them or hear their voices for three whole stinking years. I feel like there is an invisible wall between me and the rest of the world. I know nothing about how a high schooler's life should be because I have never experienced it. This is starting to affect my writing as well, literally. I just don't get the mood anymore.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Done with Short Story

Oh finally I am done with the story of Charlotte Hunsford! It is kind of a relief to finish a story, no matter how short it is. Hmm...should I publish it? A lot of people reckons I should. Hmm...

I would have finished this faster if some 'foreign immigrant' hadn't suddenly come and go "Mei Kei ah!" and then try to kick me out of my own chair.

Hey, don't take this seriously ah Crystal. I know you are just having fun and sorry ah, today I am kinda ganas a bit.

PMR is coming people! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh.......what to do, what to do?! Study until gila or play until gila? Got to rearrange my mind or I'll explode into megapixles.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another quote

"I've tried the world- it wears no more
The colouring of romance it once wore"
Quote: Anne Shirley, Anne of the Island

Sometimes, the qoutes in classic books are really clever. I kinda like this 1 from the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery. If you haven't tried reading it, I suggest you do. Hopefully it won't bore you out since some of the people I know read the first few chapters and concluded that it was boring.

Farewell Hermes...

My own pet tortoise is now no longer my pet. Instead, it is now a member of the park's pond. Why? Cause it's getting way too big for my family to keep and so they have to let it go. I wasn't there when they did, cause I was scared I'd miss it so. Hermes had been with me since standard 6 and although I can't pet it, it was kind of fun to just watch it act all lazy and relaxed.

That was 1 month ago. Now I am really missing it! Waaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! I want Hermes back!!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Quote of the day

Don't ask what others had done for you, instead ask yourself what have you done for others
Don't ask what others had given you, instead ask yourself what you have given others
Don't you realize we complain all the time about what other people had done for you or given you? Why don't we try and think for once: what have WE done for them to deserve what is going on now? If you haven't done something like this before, try it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Private Blog

Hiya! I have decided to make a private blog since some people just simply followed my blog and well, let's just say that blog is more like a blog umum. This blog is mostly pictures, I think, I am not sure yet. So to those of you who reads this blog, you are either:

a) My family

b) My close friends

I am really gonna rant in this blog and the other one will be more...composed.