Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Guess what? I've finally decided on my writing name! Yeah, I was too lazy to think of anything else, but it's HARD trying to find one that would suit me. Something that doesn't sound too child-like, something not that simple. In the end, I've decided to stick to CB Dream. It's sort of like me, if you know what I mean. Ever since I've discovered my passion for writing, that has become my goal, my dream. My precious CHARLOTTE BRONTE DREAM. I want to be like her. Smart and successful. Not that I want to die at 38 years old, but the other part, the career part. Jane Austen too, but CB sounds better than JA. And I liked Charlotte way before I read Jane Austen.

So, um...that's it. Oh, and my new plans. I'm writing a trilogy now. Not very detailed yet, but I've got the first book all sorted out - nearly.