Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Nov 2009, Thursday

School holidays for us Form 3 is starting next week. Oh HELLO FREEDOM! Tomorrow, I will be helping teacher carry hampers. -.- Silly job right? But since the teacher asked, we can't exactly say no.

Today, I found out that Peh See and Skye enjoy singing Love Story by Taylor Swift. They started singing when me, Wen Yi and the two of them were playing UNO. Turns out Wen Yi has a Love Story phobia because of that. Even I got a leetle bit phobic after 2 hours of continuous Love Story. Especially the part:

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me Juliet you never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

OMG, just that part drives me crazy. They can't stop singing it. And for some reason, Wen Yi kept winning when they sing it! Then Peh See started to sing-sort of-You Belong With Me by the same singer. Then she claimed that Skye belongs with her. o.o

We kept playing from 9 am to 1 pm. Sitting in the Bilik Pameran with the air-cond on. Plus, we were also directly under a fan. Brrr. Freezing. Then Peh See had 'bladder problems' and had to keep going to the washroom. Actually, the point was to ponteng the Win, Lose or Draw game by Cik Sri Devi cause the teacher just hosted the game and talked and talked and talked. I only went once with Wen Yi, but that was after the game session and I really needed to go.

We went home at 1.10 pm. But then pumpkin stoped me and Wen Yi and Skye as well as some other students. Her alasan was that we sering ponteng. Which I am totally innocent because my attendance record was almost flawless! Then turns out that pumpkin just needed some students to clean up the Bilik Pameran! Which was totally pointless since it was spotless... class has a very nice attendance. No sarcasm. Seriously, we had more than half of the class coming everyday! We practically won the other classes except the Solihin class. That class has nearly full attendance EVERYDAY. Really rajin, those lot.

Vero and the gang. You better come tomorrow. It's the last day of school and I want to see you guys. I get to see Anis and Sarah a lot since they are so hardworking-nope. No sarcasm there-and I practically attend almost everyday. Ah well, I'm turning really blabby right now. Gotta stop ASAP.